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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Reggie talks about paid DLC

Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime has told AOL’s Games Blog that the Kyoto based company isn’t interested in dishing out downloadable content for first party content as they want consumers to feel like they’ve purchased a full game. Nintendo may add additional downloadable content after launch, but only when it makes sense to for the company to do so and not necessarily for a charge.
“We’re interested in it to the extent that it makes sense to the consumer.”
“I’ve had this conversation with a number of our key developers, and their mentality is, ‘Reggie, when we sell a game, we want the consumer to feel that they’ve had a complete experience.’
“Now, in addition, if we want to make other things available, great, and we’ll look at that. But we’re unwilling to sell a piece of a game upfront and, if you will, force a consumer to buy more later.
“That’s what they don’t want to do, and I completely agree. I think the consumer wants to get, for their money, a complete experience, and then we have opportunities to provide more on top of that.”

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