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Friday, November 25, 2011

Nintendo Want The Next Zelda To Be Completed In A Three Year Time Span

During the latest Iwata Asks segment Nintendo president Satoru Iwata asked Aonuma-san and Fujibayashi-san whether it would be possible to complete the next Zelda game in a three-year time span rather than the five years it’s taken them with The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.
I really don’t know what to do! (laughs) For the next one, if we will build on the methods we established this time, we might end up getting into a rut.
That’s difficult. I’m thinking about the next game, too, and I feel like the hurdle is really high.
But there is a lot left that we didn’t do this time.
You have limited time and people, so there’s bound to be something left over. But five years is a long time. (laughs) Can’t you do it in three years next time?
Sorry! You’re right! (laughs wryly)
Sorry, I’ll think of something that can happen in three years!

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