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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Nintendo Talk Zelda Wii U And Claim They Couldn’t Go Back To Standard Button Control

The Legend of Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma has talked at length with Games Radar about the Zelda series and Nintendo’s plans for the franchise on Wii U. Whilst he wouldn’t give away much information regarding what the team are planning for Zelda Wii U Aonuma did state that the team are doubtful that they could go back to button only controls.
GR: So do you think you’ll continue to use motion control in the future? Will you ever go back to traditional controls?
EA: I don’t think we could go back to button control, especially after creating something that’s as natural to use as the interface that we have with the Wii Remote Plus in Skyward Sword. I think Nintendo will continue to have that focus on motion control and we’ll see that continue to evolve. And the hardware as well, in a way that will let people control things very naturally just using their own motions.
GR: Looking forward, can you say anything about the Wii U Zelda project?
EA: What can I say…? It’s a difficult question (laughs). We’re just getting started on it even as we speak, so I’m just worried that if I let something slip that’s off that mark…
The feedback that I’ve been getting from a lot of people on Skyward Sword is that they like the game very much, so of course I think probably the most important thing that we’re focusing on right now is how do we take those elements that people seem to really love about Skyward Sword, and really bring that and connect that to what we do with Zelda on the Wii U while still continuing to evolve the game.
GR: Is there any particular feature of the Wii U hardware that you’re excited to work with?
EA: Obviously, it’s the new controller that’s got the screen built into it, and in particular we’re looking at how we can combine that new controller with something like motion control, and perhaps use the new controller in such a way that it becomes a new item that you’re able to use to make the game feel fresh and new.

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