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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Alex Neuse from Bit Trip developer Gaijin Games doesn't like the slide pad

Alex Neuse from Bit Trip developer Gaijin Games, recently discussed the 3DS Slide Pad, dubbing it "crap" and "very frustrating".

Since the 3DS Slide Pad became official, it's experienced a marmite reception from fans - some feel a second, bolted-on circle pad for 3DS is worthwhile, whilst others dislike it.

Neuse expressed his frustration with the move in an interview with Tiny Catridge from both a developer and consumer perspective.

Also, as a developer, it’s a bummer whenever first parties come out with something like this. Whether it’s the Expansion Slide Pad, Wii Motion Plus, PlayStation Move, or Kinect, developers have a hard decision to make about whether they want to support the new features of the hardware.

From one perspective, new hardware is very exciting, but from another perspective, it’s very risky; because if your game requires it, that means that you’re forcing the player to have that hardware. And not all consumers will have bought the new device.

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