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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wii U To Have Up To 12 User Accounts

The NIntendo Senior Director of Corporate Communications, Charlie Scibetta, was recently interviewed by GameTrailers and said that Nintendo is done with friend codes. Scibetta also revealed that up to 12 user accounts can be made on a Wii U console.
“Nintendo’s take on online gaming is Miiverse, and it’s a way to be social and to discover things online. You can certainly do multiplayer online, but we’re really focusing on community and sharing and discovery because that’s something that’s new and unique and fun, we think, that Nintendo’s uniquely qualified to bring. There’s actually twelve different accounts you can have on any one piece of hardware, so if you have a different account from me, you might have different games featured on there, different friends and when you turn on the Wii U it can immediately go to your profile and then you’ll have an experience that’s tailor made for you.”

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