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Monday, September 2, 2013

Kamiya Thinking About Bayonetta Spinoff Game For 3DS

Hideki Kamiya, whose star continues to rise with the recent release of The Wonderful 101 and the upcoming Bayonetta 2 on Wii U, has now stated he wouldn’t mind conquering Nintendo’s 3DS handheld as well. When asked about his aspirations for the 3DS at the Penny Arcade Expo, Kamiya revealed that he has thought about creating a Bayonetta spin-off for 3DS starring the game’s Jeanne as a history teacher. Kamiya also once again mentioned the idea of another Okami game. With all the new games Kamiya is considering, it will be interesting to see what the next project he delves into will be. The text of Kamiya’s statements appears below.
“Given the chance, I’d like to make a game based on Jeanne from Bayonetta, something that’s not as big in scale. Something….where she’s a history teacher and the kind of fun things that could come out of a scenario like that.
“If I could get away with it, I’d also like to come up with a spin-off of Okami, less focused on the grand idea of saving the world, but [rather] something focused on the smaller world of the fairy Issun

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