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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Virtual Boy Titles Coming to the 3ds

In an unprecedented move, US Nintendo President Reggie Fils-Amie announced today that plans are in the works to bring titles from Nintendo's original 3D device to their newest via the system's download service.
Due to the system's limited run, very few people got to try out the Virtual Boy, and a new generation of gamers has yet to experience the system. "After all," Fils-Amie said in a conversation with GoozerNation's Ryan Johnson, "there are only 22 games for the system, so it should be easy to port them over."
Fils-Amie went on to say that the idea actually came from a surprising outside source: Kevin Costner. "We were approached by Mr. Costner, who stated he intends to return to the Waterworld franchise. The Virtual Boy had the best screen-to-game translation of the plot, so he wanted to bring it back to consumers' minds, and the simplicity of the translation will allow us to import the entire catalog."
3DSVBEditGames will be ported over in their traditional monochromatic red to maintain their historical integrity, and will vary in price between $6.99 and $15.99. Nintendo Club members who achieve Platinum status in 2012 will also be able to choose as their prize the Official Virtual Boy 3DS Viewer, a classic Virtual Boy-shaped shell that will allow you to slide your 3DS inside and use the eyepiece to experience these classics in their original glory.  
The service actually launches today, with WaterWorld being the first title, and a dozen more coming within the next few months. 

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