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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Wii U controller nearly had 3D, HD screen, Nintendo patent shows

a new patent filing shows that they very nearly did the same thing with their forthcoming Wii U console. Speaking of the Wii U's dual screen set up (witha TV and the tablet-like controller), US Patent 20120026166, filed by Nintendo on 26 September 2011, states that:"One or both the displays SD and MD may be a 3D display (eg., an autostereoscopic display) that provides stereoscopic perception of depth to a viewer." Here, SD stands for stationary display, or your regular TV set up, while MD stands for mobile display, e.g the console's tablet-sized controller. While it's unlikely that the final controller build will differ much from its non-3D prototype, there is still a strong chance that the console itself will be capable of three dimensional output to a 3D screen

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